Squishy Squash 1.8 is a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme. This color scheme includes built-in window-shade メupモ and メdownモ sounds, and (when using MacOS 8) custom tabs for pop-up windows.
To use it, you must have at least Kaleidoscope 1.5 or greater installed (Kaleidoscope 1.8 or greater will allow you to use all the features built-in to this color scheme).
You may use and distribute this file freely, as long as the entire folder and contents are kept together, and this "Read Me" file is included in the distribution. This package can be freely distributed in electronic form on computer networks. It cannot, however, be distributed by other means (such as printed form, on magnetic media, or on CD-ROM) without permission from the author.
Visit AGRAPHA (http://www.agrapha.com/) for ideas on designing your Web site and for free graphics to download.